Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!  Today was Sienna's first holiday, so of course I had to dress her for the occasion.

Joe played in a golf tournament so it was a girls day for me and Sienna!  We took a trip to Target to pick up some now necessary items - mini hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes for the diaper bag and clorox wipes for the house.  I probably looked like a germ-a-phobe to the lady who checked us out, but that's okay; it's so important to keep germs away from Sienna where possible!

After much discussion, Joe and I have decided to keep Sienna out of daycare for (at least) her first few months.  We are now looking at in home care as it will limit her exposure to bugs/viruses and ensure her medicinal routines are followed.  Hopefully we are able to find someone good by Sept :)

We are waiting to see when Si's next round of tests get scheduled.  She has to have another sweat test done, as well as a chest X-ray and full DNA panel.  We won't know which other gene mutation she has for several weeks, but her Pulmonologist thinks it is a rare one due to her lack of symptoms and only slightly elevated salt output.  Hoping her appt at the Children's hospital gets scheduled ASAP as we are eager to learn more about what we are dealing with!

Will update once we learn more... Hope everyone is having a happy 4th!


  1. Love your blog, I am so proud of you. Sienna has the best mommy and she is stunning in her first holiday wear! XOXO


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