Happy Holidays 2014!

Well, it's a new year!  I'm  hoping to update a little more often in 2015, but we'll see how much there is to write about and how much time I have.  The less updates the better as it generally means Sienna's  health is doing great :).

Sienna had both her 18 month wellness check and her quarterly clinic visit in December.  Both appointments went well, with our little girl weighing in around 22 1/2 lbs and measuring somewhere around 31 inches.  You'd think I'd have more concrete measurements with two doctor's appointments, but they both had different weights and heights... so I'm just taking an average.  Bottom line is, both teams were happy with her growth and development.  Her pediatrician called her smart, social and healthy!

Waiting patiently at the Pediatrician

I was sure she would culture some bad 'bug' this time around with all of the nasty things toddlers do. Like from the times I've pulled up to her school and watched her shovel dirt in her mouth on the playground, or the time she walked up to me in the laundry room drinking from the dog's water bowl, or even the time I chipped a puff off the bottom of my shoe in a store to turn around and see her find it and eat it.  Ugh.  Thankfully, her toddler tendencies have not harmed her health thus far! We had another clean culture, which I think makes 3 in a row (she used to always culture Staph).

Nothing ground breaking from her clinic appointment.  I asked about getting Sienna started in swimming lessons and her Pulm recommended we hold off til she's older.  No changes to treatments at this time.  We still do her vest 1x a day when healthy for 30 minutes and add in another session plus her nebulizer (Albuterol and HTS) when sick.  We've broken out the nebulizer a few times over the past two months to help break up and move along some congestion, but that's pretty much it.  She hasn't had anything more than a runny/stuffy nose thankfully.  Our goal for the winter is to keep her healthy.  Her Pulmonologist says the first walking winter is usually their sickest.  I'm hoping that doesn't hold true!

Treatments don't stop for Christmas!

Vest time in her Christmas jammies
Sienna really enjoyed Christmas this year.  Our lucky little girl even got to celebrate 3 times as family came into town to visit.  She loves all her new arts and crafts goodies, books, frozen ball pit, Little People farm, play vacuum and trampoline!  She also loved having so much family time and all the laughter and fun she had for a week straight :).

She opens gifts like her dad...chooses the biggest one first

Snack time before Christmas dinner

All in all, 2014 was a much smoother year than the one prior.  No devastating news, just one happy little girl who is the sunshine of our lives.  I wouldn't change a thing about her. Not. one. thing. She is the most perfect, spunky, lovable little person I know!  Here's to a healthy 2015!

Happy new year



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