Annual Testing

Stemming from our June clinic appointment, were a few annual work ups needed.  We took Sienna to a CMC facility in July to complete her blood work and chest x-ray.  The blood work was necessary for checking vitamin levels since most CFers are unable to absorb vitamins correctly and require special ADEK supplements.  We have been lucky enough that so far Sienna seems to be absorbing vitamins fine and not only hasn't required the special CF vitamins, but hasn't needed a general multivitamin either.

Nerves in the waiting room

Blood work sucks.  Blood work on a two year old really sucks.  She was so incredibly brave when we brought her back and when the lab technician tied off her arm and got the needles/vials ready.  She stayed calm when they started drawing blood. But her vein just didn't want to cooperate.  Two lab techs tried everything to get the blood flowing, but it refused. So they had to switch arms/needles and try again. And it was at this moment that she lost it. My poor girl. It broke all of our hearts to start all over on the other side as she sobbed. It was terrible. But the second draw worked and she was lavished with stickers minutes later.


It was poor planning on my part to do the blood work first. I thought since the blood work would be more scary/difficult, we should get it over with first. But she was so shaken up, that it made the chest x-ray equally horrifying for her.

For the chest x-ray, we had to dress her in a little gown (she did like checking herself out in the mirror).  I brought her back while Joe stayed with Tess.  The radiologist was amazing.  He was so sweet with Sienna and quick to get the photos needed despite her unwillingness to sit still and tears. Child life was even there and gave her a "prize" for being so strong (a stuffed dog), which they let her hold during the x-rays.  The process itself was quick and easy, she just wasn't having it.

Getting her gown on

Checking herself out

We got out of their quickly and let her choose if she wanted a doughnut or cake pop (OK, we may have wanted coffee too...). We landed at Starbucks and everyone regained a state of happiness; our traumatic morning over and coffee/pastries now in hand.

I'm sure this will get easier as the years go on, but it's tough seeing your toddler have to be so brave, so young.  She's our little fighter.


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