Pouch Life

Let's talk about those baby food pouches. They've played a huge part in our life over the past several years; mostly for their convenience, but also to help us sneak in nutrition during those picky toddler months or years. Yes, I'm aware of them (supposedly?) being high in sugars, so we use them sparingly. And yes, I'm aware of the potential mold issues, so we always check them once opened, discard if unfinished, and try to buy clear if possible.

Those little packs of blended fruit and veggies have been a staple in my pantry and my diaper bag for four years. Four years! I should have bought stock in Gerber, Plum and Earth's Best with how much money we have, and still do give them. They are a go to healthy(ish) snack option when we are out of the house, a solution to the "I'm still hungry" request after dinner, and one of the ways we get the girls to consume more (or just different) veggies.

Both girls eat OK - not great, but definitely not horrendous. However, neither of the girls are great at trying new foods right now. They will happily eat the same fruits and veggies (berries/apples/oranges/pears/broccoli/carrots/edamame/red cabbage for Sienna, berries/apples/oranges/pears/bananas/peas/edamame/carrots for Tess), so we try to sneak some others in their diet when possible. We do smoothies on the weekends and after dinner every once in a while, but they always end with a mess. And while Sienna is old enough to be trusted with a pouch, Tess is still a wild woman and can only be trusted to get pouch remnants on the floor, or the dog. I can't tell you how many times the words "don't squeeze it until it's in your mouth" have been said in this house.

I just discovered the Pouch Pal, and it has been a lifesaver! If I had only discovered this parent hack (re: invented by a mom!) months/years ago, I'd have saved myself a lot of time cleaning Tess' clothes and pouch puree off my floors, chairs, rugs, etc (you name it - I've probably cleaned it thanks to a prematurely squeezed pouch). These squeeze-proof pouch holders stop the mess and let's your little one feed themselves independently. They even hold the top, so you don't have to worry about it getting into your 1 year olds hands (or mouth), or losing it when you need to cap an unfinished pouch. Clearly the girls loved it just as much as me!

If you're eyeing one for your little people - stay tuned to my Instagram, as I'm giving away TWO Pouch Pals to TWO WINNERS this week!


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