Motherhood and Self Care

Hi friends! Ever feel like you are running on fumes? Taking on so much that it leaves little time for self care? So much so that you lose sense of your self? I know for sure this is commonplace in motherhood, and even more amplified when you are a parent of a child(ren) with medical needs. 

Over time, the stress of parenthood wears you down. It's like you catch yourself in the mirror one day and actually wonder who that person is looking back. Softer lines, deep wrinkles, grey hairs, yellowed teeth - totally not that twenty something version of myself that I remember staring back in the reflection. It's kind of crazy how this happens without us really knowing. 

It's just, as moms, it's innate in us to put everyone's needs first and we rarely get to reflect on what we actually need to thrive as individuals. We go go go until kids are asleep and other tasks are done. And then we crash. If I don't drink an afternoon coffee, I will literally fall asleep as I am editing photos around 9 pm, which is minutes after the girls are in bed leaving NO time to relax/for myself. That afternoon boost will let me stay awake for an extra two hours, which is spent picking up, editing photos, catching up on social media, and watching my favorite tv shows with Joe.

Coffee Drinker Needs Teeth Whitening
Always a coffee in hand!

As I entered my "mid 30s" this year, I knew it was time to make a pointed effort to invest in myself.  I started at the end of 2017 with some diet changes allowing me to hit weight-loss goals early this year. I've added in a good skin care regimen, because let's be real...I average 5-6 hours of sleep a night, and even that's usually interrupted. And most recently, I've added in teeth whitening to my nightly routine, because I live and thrive on coffee, tea and wine and my teeth have taken a toll because of it. 

I've been lucky enough to partner with Smile Brilliant to test out their home teeth whitening system and try to get the old "me" back.  I didn't have to carve out time to go to the dentist to discuss whitening and have molds made and Smile Brilliant doesn't cost nearly as much as what I paid for the whitening system I used prior to getting married years ago. Smile Brilliant completely customized the trays for my teeth and let me whiten at my own pace which was important to me.

at home teeth whitening by smile brilliant
Teeth whitening trays

I'm not sure if my skin has changed since beginning my 4 step, twice daily skin care routine, but I can definitely say my teeth are whiter thanks to Smile Brilliant! I've even included before and after photos to show the transformation. The Smile Brilliant system has been a dream to use as I put the whitening trays in every other night and let them get to work while I edit photos. I've nixed red wine during the weeks I've whitened but continue to drink coffee daily - just using a straw to not completely undue the whitening at work.

at home teeth whitening kit
Before and after

Now it's time for another momma (or dad!) to get her (or his) groove back!
Because I know taking the first step in self care is the hardest, I've teamed up with Smile Brilliant to offer one lucky reader a $149 teeth whitening package. Enter the giveaway on the Smile Brilliant site here.* If you are just ready to jump at the chance to take care of YOU, enjoy a 15% off coupon created just for my readers: asaltylifeforus15 

white teeth
Love my white teeth!

*Giveaway is open to USA, UK, Australia and Canadian residents. Giveaway will run for 7 days beginning July 10, 2018. Must enter giveaway through link in post above on Smile Brilliant site. 

**I received this product free of charge, but opinions and blog post are my own

Tooth Whitening Gel


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