Summer Nights in the New 'Hood

It seems like as soon as spring hit, we were itching to get outdoors more. We moved into our new house in January, so it's our first spring and summer taking advantage of all the nearby playgrounds, community pool, bike routes, and walk-able retail and restaurants.

There has been a noticeable shift since we moved here. We have a big back yard that the kids and dog run around in. We have a new raised garden planted with wild flowers we adore. We have a patio with colored in stones from nights of chalk play. We frequent the pool and learned that the girls love to swim. We discovered a playground with cool new things to climb. We are honestly always doing something. Summer has never been like this for us!

Getting outside has made evening routines more enjoyable for everyone. More relaxed. The kids know they have to eat their dinner and Sienna knows she has to do  her treatments if they want to go to the pool or playground. Bedtime goes smoother because they are tired. We are even more social here - hanging out with other families poolside, beer in hand. We often wonder what we did last summer; that it wasn't remotely this active, this enjoyable.

There are endless options for ice cream, which is apparent by half our summer pictures. They sure do love their ice pops and ice cream. The girls have gone through what seems like tubs of bubbles; partly because Tess ends up holding the bottle upside down. We've broken out a bounce house and water table for those weeknights we don't feel like actually going anywhere.

If we have no plans during the weekend, we usually bike or walk to the nearby retail, which is a super cute village of shops, restaurants, movie theater, splash pad, etc. It's one of my favorite places to go and we bought our home because of our access to it. I mean, Starbucks is there and that's enough motivation for me to bike two miles.

Maybe it's just the ages we are at with the girls, or maybe it's our new surroundings, but regardless, we have been loving our summer nights and weekends.

So tell me, what are some of your favorite summer activities?


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