We're Back!

It's been a while, so hey friends!

This last year has been pretty smooth sailing for Sienna health wise, so there really hasn't been anything to report on. She's had clean throat cultures, good blood checks, normal looking xrays, and very few illnesses. December was our toughest month, but we made it through.

Anyway, I'd love to start writing again, so from here on out, I'll be including more daily life content, and not just CF related topics. I'd love if you all stuck around to follow our daily life and family adventures!

So what's new? If you can believe it, the girls are now two and four.  They are both little people, with big personalities and wildly different from each other. Sienna is loving, sensitive, and a total girly girl. Her favorite colors (if you ask her), are purple, pink, blue, rainbow, glitter and sparkles.  You can find her at our art table, coloring pictures of rainbows, butterflies, and hearts.  She wants to be Cinderella for Halloween. For at least two years now, she's insisted on tutus or dresses daily.  Once in a while I can get her in a romper or shorts, but that's only if we are going to play at the park, and they still require rainbows or flowers on them. She cares about other people and thrives on being a helper. Tess is daring, goofy and a people magnet.  People literally gravitate towards her.  She doesn't go anywhere without strangers fawning over her little smirk or commenting on her fun style.  Tess loves every color, all clothes, all toys; literally everything. She'll wear bows and bonnets and rompers and dresses, and she owns her style, whatever it is. We joke that she'll be the class clown. Both girls are too smart for their, or maybe our, own good. While totally different, they love each other fiercely.

You've probably watched the girls grow through good 'ol social media.  I don't put a ton on Facebook as I use that platform for more personal relationships, but I am working on expanding our reach on Instagram. I love how our life is captured in photos and as a family, we love flipping back through them and talking about the trips we took and things we've done.

As our presence grows, I do hope to spread awareness around Cystic Fibrosis, but also show that it's just part of our life, and not our whole life. I want those that are dealing with a scary diagnosis like CF, to see that a life with health obstacles can still be happy and beautiful. Because, sometimes when thrust into something we are afraid of, we need to find the positive in order to keep life moving forward. And we need to have fun. Lots of fun!


  1. Beautiful writing and glad to see you back at your blog. I am one very proud momma! xoxo


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